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New Zealand

New Zealand

The first 3 nights in New Zealand have been amazing. We were able to stay with some family friends the first night in Christchurch and it was perfect. Its been a while since we have been able to enjoy being around a family with laughing children, home cooked lasagna and fine New Zealand wine.

With a few extra blankets, pillows and layers of clothes Kari, Keyino and family sent us on our way. THANK YOU!

The first two nights in the campervan we have enjoyed the great outdoors of NZ with no showers, toilets or running water. With snow on the ground in Hamner Springs we drove through what felt like a winter scene from a movie. I have a feeling we will take in quite a few more of those scenes as the first two days have been breathtaking.

There are more campers than we originally thought there would be during a NZ winter. Although when we are on the roads driving its as if we have the country all to ourselves (not a bad thing on these tiny mountain passes). We’ll head up North to Nelson and then down the west coast and up the east coast back to Christchurch. These two weeks sleeping in a van down by the river will be quite the laugh. Our blogs are on paper and we hope to get them over to RTW365…thanks to the Picton County library for allowing us to post this one.

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. Melanie
    June 25, 2010 at 4:13 pm

    hahaaaa…okay “Matt Foley”…have fun in your van down by the river 🙂

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